When deciding on what source of motivation I wanted myself and my readers to focus on this month, the verse Psalm 139:14 kept popping up.
Psalm 139 has been a chapter that has seen me through some really dark times. It has always been a source of encouragement, an ultimate reminder of God’s promises and who He is.
However, the part that has been standing out to me lately is verse 14 and I feel like it is worth sharing:
“I praise you! For I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it well.” (Psalm 139:14)
Every time I see or read this verse, my heart truly smiles and I want that joy to be used as a source of encouragement for September.
Here are a few things that stood out to me:
“I praise you!” In this verse, David is praising God with all His heart. David is praising Him for who He is, His amazing works and His magnificent sovereignty. David is praising God because He knows how well God knows him, before he was even created in his mother’s womb. God had intended there to be a David and He has had all of his days set out before he was even born. David is also praising God because there is nowhere that he can go where God cannot be found, where He will stop walking with David, protecting, guiding and loving him for all the days of his life.
When reading this, I began to think, why do we doubt that our lives are any different to David’s? Why do we doubt God’s plans and intentions for our lives when every inch of who we are and our destinies were created through the ultimate form of love before the beginning of time? (Ephesians 2:10)
I also began thinking about how it is so easy for us to praise God when things go our way and when we can actually see our blessings or prayers come to fruition, when we can see His works and His authority, but what about when things don’t go our way? When our faith and trust is at an all time low? When we are doubting the power of God? Praising God in those moments is much more challenging than you can imagine and it is definitely easier said than done, but I believe that it is exactly within those moments where we should choose to step out and praise God, especially when everything may seem to be working against us. Even though our world may seem dark, it is no match for our Father. No matter our circumstances or our understanding of them, any form of darkness or battle we face has been overcome since God has overcome the world (John 16:33). That is certainly something worth celebrating.
If you are struggling with your faith or the coping of current or past circumstances, I believe the best thing you can do is reach out to someone you trust. It is always easier to share the load and have additional support when you feel as if you aren’t able to cope.
“Fearfully and wonderfully made”. Whenever I see these words, I can’t help but think about how that’s exactly the way God intended to create me, with all of my quirks – fearfully and wonderfully, just like He made you.
But what does this mean exactly? What does it mean to be fearfully and wonderfully made?Personally, I believe that it means you’re a force to be reckoned with. Once you figure out who you are, your true identity in Christ, created in His image (Genesis 1:27), a son and/or daughter to a king, a prince and/or princess, a warrior, whose life is filled with continuous purpose, anointing and blessings. Whose life is filled with favour. Knowing that there is nothing imperfect about you, no flaws and everything is meant to be how it should be. A beautiful, unique, complicated, intense and wonderful creation that cannot be replicated and can only be used to fulfill a role God created and needed long before you were born. Nothing can stop you, you are intended and promised to do great things and I guess you can say that to the enemy, to the darkness and to the world, that is an intimidating thing, but it is ultimately wonderful.
“Wonderful are His works” How privileged are we that we get to be one of them? A chosen, beautifully created masterpiece. That is what you are. God has chosen to design every part of you with the utmost love and care. He has had your best interests and intentions at heart from the start. He has chosen you from the beginning because He knows His plans and because He knew that this world needed you. It is a beautiful thing to be able to walk in that anointing.
“My soul knows it well”. We have been designed in such a unique way that our bodies, hearts, souls, minds and spirits know what comes from our Creator. Isn’t is amazing how we get to see God in all the things around us? We get to see Him work and move in everything. From the grass that grows on the ground to the way the waves are attracted to the moon, how sunshine affects our moods and bodies and through the way animals and people are connected by energy particles that work within and between us. We get to be a part of an intricately designed system, with a unique and special role to play. It is amazing how we can feel when things are right and when they are wrong, how our bodies and our planet know exactly how to work so well. Our souls truly know the promises and good works from our Father and it is a blessing that we are able to recognise Him moving in and around our lives. We get to be used for His plans. Every single one of us has a purpose to fulfill and no matter what, our hearts will always know the way, His way, like our very own built in compass.
5 promises I would like my readers to take away with them this week:
- Praise God during the good times, but especially in the bad times
- You are fearfully and wonderfully made – never doubt that
- You and your life are a work of God and they are wonderful, a true masterpiece – you are worth celebrating
- Your life is valuable
- You are needed in this world – no other person can do what you were created and destined to do
I hope you have an amazing month that is filled with joy!
What do you think it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made?
In honour of Suicide Prevention Day this week, I ask my readers to keep an eye out for those around us who may be struggling with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts or any battle with mental illness.
There are so many ways you can help to save a life.
If you are concerned about your mental health, it is always a sign of strength and not weakness to reach out for help when you feel as if you need it the most. What you have to say, your story, your needs and your wants deserve to be heard. We are ready to listen and we are ready to help.
- Lifeline SA – 0861 322 322
- South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 567 567
- SMS – 31393
- Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0800 12 13 14
For more information use the following links:
Suicide warning signs, how you can help and who to contact – Life Line
How to tell if someone around you is suicidal and what you can do to help – The South African Depression and Anxiety Group
SADAG’s Emergency Lines
Happy Spring and thank you for reading xx