Amy Eksteen

I did my qualification at Nelson Mandela University. With that four year experience, an undying fascination and love for people was born along with a Bachelor of Psychology (Counselling) degree with Cum Laude.

I am currently a board qualified Registered Counsellor who is registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. As a part of my degree, I completed a sixth month internship, where I received some of my first experiences as a Registered Counsellor intern. During my time as a student, I was also a part of various extra courses, projects, volunteer and community work with people from different communities, cultures, beliefs and lifestyles.

What is a registered counsellor?

The role of a Registered Counsellor is to make psychological services more accessible to the people of South Africa. This registration category was created as a form of ‘first line’ psychological support since the availability of psychological professionals such as psychologists is scarce and often considered expensive.

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From my Health and Wellness Blog Series

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