I want to start a ‘purpose series’ here on the blog so welcome to the first post!
I believe that when it comes to discovering your purpose, the journey can be firmly rooted in discovering who you are as a person. Yes, this includes your unique, perhaps even quirky and ‘hard-to-understand’ traits. The journey that comes with searching for your purpose can include identifying all the things that make you who you are while learning to accept and love yourself along the way.
It has taken me nearly 24 years to start uncovering this truth and to fully understand what this journey, let’s rephrase that, what my OWN journey looks like because nobody’s can be the same. You can’t compare the purpose of our lives and our journeys. They are made to be our own. I have come to realise that it will basically take me my whole life time to continuously discover who I am and what God gets to do with me during my time on earth. I believe that it can take a life time because we will forever be changing as people, through the different phases of our lives. It’s such a beautiful concept, if you really think about it. Sometimes I think that it’s actually too wonderful to fully comprehend.
And so because it will take a life time, I would like to start sharing the moments that have stood out to me along my purpose journey. I want to pay tribute to the significant things that have helped with my self-reflection and therefore self-understanding. I want this series to be a slow, unfolding process that my readers get to be a part of. I hope that each and every one of you can use these discussions to accompany you on your own special life journey and through your moments of purpose seeking. After all, the little things that we can do to build our self-awareness, I believe can take us one step further in understanding ourselves, loving ourselves and therefore giving ourselves the ability to continue reaching for and fulfilling our roles in this world and perhaps for what comes after!
One of the things that has really helped me to understand myself and point me into the direction of what I would like to do with my life, is the meaning behind my name. Did you know that your name can be one of the major connections to your identity? Names carry destiny and a way of self-becoming, they can carry family heritage and cultural significance. That is why it is so important to be able to learn peoples names, to say their full names or the name they choose to go by correctly. It’s a way of respecting who they are and the place they were given in our world. It acknowledges how significant they are and the power they hold.
The meaning behind the name “Amy” is “Beloved”. Discovering the meaning behind my name made me feel proud to carry something so impactful and has urged my heart to live that truth out everyday. It has given me a sense of responsibility.
I have decided that because of the meaning of my name, I would like to spend my life showing those around me unconditional love, through who I am and what I do, for example, my work as a counsellor. To me, there is nothing more fulfilling than to demonstrate a kind of love that can reflect the love of the Lord. I believe God has trusted me and has given me everything I need to be able to do that, just as I believe He has done for you and your life. Discovering the truth about who I am through the name that I was given has helped lead me down the path for my purpose as well as how I should live, how powerful my interactions with others can be and what mindset I get to choose every day. When realising this, the path God has planned for me started to become clearer.
I therefore highly suggest researching the meaning behind your name, ask your parents why they named you that, research where your name comes from and maybe ask God about it.
I believe you are given your name for a reason – a very important reason. I also believe that people can truly grow into their names, fulfilling a destiny that was born inside of them before the beginning of time.
I even believe for those who may not have a meaning behind their name that there is a powerful reason for that. Maybe you have been blessed with the freedom to create your own meaning?
I think the amazing thing when reading up on the significance of your name, is that it gives you the power to choose what you stand for, how you interpret and understand it and what you want to do with that information. It allows us to think about things, to ask questions and spend some time with ourselves. Perhaps you feel as if you would like to even change your name, whatever it is that you may believe or feel about discovering the meaning behind your name, I think that it is a great place to start when learning about yourself and your place in the world.
I would like my readers to remember that you are all here for a purpose, a role that God would not have any other person fulfill. The world wouldn’t be the same without you in it and there is something powerful set out for you and only you to do.
Here’s to fully embracing who we are and our purposes!
All my love xx