Your Name

I want to start a ‘purpose series’ here on the blog so welcome to the first post! I believe that when it comes to discovering your purpose, the journey can be firmly rooted in discovering who you are as a person. Yes, this includes your unique, perhaps even quirky and ‘hard-to-understand’ traits. The journey that […]
Grief and Loss Part 2

Today, we will be coming to an end of our discussion about grief and loss (click here to access Part 1). By the works of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, we are taught that when we experience loss or death, there are stages that we have to work through. The 5 stages of grief include: Denial (This stage […]
Count it all Joy

I feel like we all have a decent understanding behind the phrase ‘life is a journey’. We have all experienced, to some degree, life’s ups and downs, the mountain tops and the valleys. Standing on top of a mountain, it is so easy to be filled with joy. The view is amazing, the air is […]