Financial Wellness

Wellness Series Part 5 As planned, this week we will be diving deeper into the fifth wellness dimension in our wellness series – our Financial Wellness.When discussing the concept of wellness and self-care, looking to our finances is the last thing that we usually do, but financial wellness is actually considered to be a very […]
Environmental Wellness

Wellness Series Part 4 As we slowly work through each wellness dimension every week, I hope my readers are learning more about how to incorporate a wellness based lifestyle into their every day lives. I hope that by exploring our wellness, my readers realise the importance of their overall health and well-being. So here’s to […]
Social Wellness

Wellness Series Part 3 Last week we explored the concept of Emotional Wellness, why it is important for us, the benefits that can stem from learning about our emotional well-being and how to start prioritising our emotional health in our personal self-care plans. This week we will be discussing part 3 of our Wellness series […]
Emotional Wellness

Wellness Series Part 2 We have officially started our Wellness journey off with a bang! In last week’s blog post, we explored the concept of Physical Wellness. We were able to discuss why prioritising our physical wellness is important, the benefits of taking care of our physical health as well as we looked at various […]
Physical Wellness

Wellness Series Part 1 Last week we began our Wellness journey together on the blog. In honour of mental health awareness month, I wanted to provide a platform for myself and my readers to learn more about the topic of wellness and self-care. In last week’s blog post, we were able to explore the concepts […]
Self-care Hacks

When I started my blog, long ago in January, I promised myself that I would hold myself accountable to write and publish one post every week. One of my main goals for the year is to post one blog post for every week this year, a total of 52 posts. Creating this goal has honestly […]
A Masterpiece

When deciding on what source of motivation I wanted myself and my readers to focus on this month, the verse Psalm 139:14 kept popping up. Psalm 139 has been a chapter that has seen me through some really dark times. It has always been a source of encouragement, an ultimate reminder of God’s promises and […]
Misconceptions about Counselling

Mental Health Series Part 4 I aim to use this blog as a way to provide a platform for myself and my readers to openly talk about mental health. I therefore thought it would be a good idea to continue our ‘mental health series’ and discuss 10 common misconceptions about the counsellor and the counselling […]
Your go-to Counsellor Guide

Mental Health Series Part 3 As a former psychology student, current mental health professional and user of psychological services, I have come to notice that there tends to be confusion surrounding the different psychological professionals and their scopes of practice. I have come to notice that there seems to be a basic unawareness regarding the […]
Me First

The blog post for this week will be celebrating the publication of 30 posts on my blog! Writing has always been one of my favourite things to do, but I never imagined I would be sharing a piece of my heart, through my words, for everybody to see on a weekly basis. Every week when […]