Your go-to Counsellor Guide

Mental Health Series Part 3 As a former psychology student, current mental health professional and user of psychological services, I have come to notice that there tends to be confusion surrounding the different psychological professionals and their scopes of practice. I have come to notice that there seems to be a basic unawareness regarding the […]
Funky Town

Let us be honest and real with each other for a second. We have all, at some point in our lives, dealt with really bad ‘funks’. ‘Funks’ as in random phases we may find ourselves in where we deal with many different feelings and emotions, usually ones that aren’t so positive, that can feel consuming, […]
Counselling: The Counsellor’s Perspective

Mental Health Series Part 2 Have you ever thought about what it’s like to be a counsellor? Have you perhaps ever wondered what your counsellor may be thinking? This weeks blog post aims to answer the questions we may ask ourselves about counsellors as we will be focusing on the counselling experience from the perspective […]
Counselling: The Client’s Perspective

Mental Health Series Part 1 One of the reasons I started my blog, was because I feel like, as a society, we need more accessible platforms that openly talk about mental health. As a community we need to be contributing to destigmatising mental health topics, the counselling experience and seeing a counsellor/mental health practitioner in […]