Milk and Honey

Before we get stuck into today’s blog topic, I would like you to take some time to reflect on the last six months and congratulate yourself on doing your very best every single day, even if ‘doing your best’ means accomplishing your goals you’ve set yourself for 2019 or simply, getting out of bed in […]
Catching Feelings

I was planning to write about something completely different this week, but to my surprise, another topic grabbed my attention and I felt that I needed to write about it. I came across a piece of writing that highlighted something of importance to me and I guess it perfectly put into words what I have […]
Counselling: The Counsellor’s Perspective

Mental Health Series Part 2 Have you ever thought about what it’s like to be a counsellor? Have you perhaps ever wondered what your counsellor may be thinking? This weeks blog post aims to answer the questions we may ask ourselves about counsellors as we will be focusing on the counselling experience from the perspective […]
Counselling: The Client’s Perspective

Mental Health Series Part 1 One of the reasons I started my blog, was because I feel like, as a society, we need more accessible platforms that openly talk about mental health. As a community we need to be contributing to destigmatising mental health topics, the counselling experience and seeing a counsellor/mental health practitioner in […]
Pursuing Peace

Hello June! Six months into the year of 2019, we’ve officially reached the halfway mark, along with Winter’s chilly atmosphere ready to greet us each and every morning. So grab some coffee, tea or hot chocolate and settle down, for an introductory blog post for the month of June. When thinking about what would be […]
Overcoming Disappointment

There is no doubt, that in this life, we will face disappointment. We each have our hopes and dreams. We ensure that our hearts are filled with faith, hope and trust. We make sure we tick off all of the boxes so that things can go our way, but still, we come face-to-face with disappointment […]
How to deal with Change

Life will constantly be filled with changes. That’s definitely one thing that I keep on learning – that things rarely stay the same. And if you’re like me, who likes being comfortable, feeling secure and knowing what’s coming next, change, especially unexpected change, isn’t the easiest thing to deal with. From starting school to finishing […]
Grief and Loss Part 2

Today, we will be coming to an end of our discussion about grief and loss (click here to access Part 1). By the works of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, we are taught that when we experience loss or death, there are stages that we have to work through. The 5 stages of grief include: Denial (This stage […]
Grief and Loss Part 1

I’ve been wanting to write a blog post about this topic for a while now. It’s not the happiest topic to talk about, but I think it’s definitely necessary. So, for the next two days, we will be discussing the experience of grief and loss. In this life, experiencing grief and loss is inevitable. It’s […]
The Truth about Trust

I think that spending time by yourself, in a quiet place, with your thoughts, can be a pretty powerful thing. I never used to be very dedicated with my own ‘quiet time’, but as the years go by, I can really see and feel the benefits that can come from it. Quiet time for me, […]