The blog post for this week will be celebrating the publication of 30 posts on my blog!
Writing has always been one of my favourite things to do, but I never imagined I would be sharing a piece of my heart, through my words, for everybody to see on a weekly basis. Every week when I click “publish”, I experience a wave of excitement, to share my thoughts. I feel proud of myself because I have accomplished another blog post. And I feel hopeful. I hope to help or inspire at least one person with every blog post I put out there for you all to see.
I truly treasure “Me” and everything it stands for and I am so grateful that I am able to provide a platform for people to celebrate being unapologetically and authentically themselves.
I hope Me provides a space for you to dedicate some uninterrupted time to intentionally focus on yourself today. With that being said, this blog post will be short, but full of inspiration and important reminders to make ‘Me’, as in you, as in us, a priority!
30 important and true reminders to remember about yourself:
- You are one of a kind
- You deserve to be respected
- You deserve to ask for help if you need it
- You deserve to be taken care of and to take care of yourself
- You are allowed to have boundaries
- You are allowed to say no
- You deserve to spend time with people that accept you for who you are
- You deserve to rest and take a break
- You deserve to spend some time doing things that you enjoy doing and that contribute positively to your life
- It is okay for you to not have everything figured out
- You deserve to be listened to
- You are worthy
- Your thoughts are important
- What you have to say deserves to be heard
- You are doing your best
- Your feelings are important
- Your emotions are significant
- Your life has a purpose
- Your hopes and dreams are important
- You are smart
- You are strong
- You are resilient
- You are allowed the space to learn
- You are allowed the space to grow
- You are allowed the space to change
- You deserve to be happy and healthy
- You are loved
- You are unique
- You are special
- You are you and that is enough
All my love xx